Sunday, August 10, 2008


So, I don't think it's any secret to most of the three of you who read this that music is really really important to me...I always have something going either for background or that commands my full attention (listening to a little My Bloody Valentine - "Loveless" - right now, which falls into the former) and I'm not really embarrassed to admit that my current music budget is higher than my rent (I've got a sweet deal living with my brother while I "save for my own place").

But once mp3's and iPods came around, I got all didn't help that I finished school. Where was I to get my musical info? Gone were the friends who always had some new cd playing, gone were the days of liner notes and (mostly) listening stations, and radio just sucks now (especially up here, where the three local stations are NPR, country, and classic rock c. 1980 - if that's classic). I've never been great at getting musical info from magazines, and websites aren't much better for me. And forget MTV or VH1, right?

I'm lucky enough to have a group of friends who are all really savvy and in the now know about music, and when I have the opportunity to actually talk to them (you), they (you) always have good recommendations. And I'm also really lucky to work with some music fiends as well, with interests that run across the board, but still...I don't know...I just feel like I have trouble keeping up.

I'm still buying cd's from the 80's of music I missed (and 90's and 00's), and I rarely get anything new. I guess that's alright, but WHAT IF I'M MISSING OUT?

So, I think I've posted almost this exact question before, but I'm desperate...any ideas? Thanks. You're all really awesome.

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At August 30, 2008 at 10:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

KUT in Austin has great radio programming, and the DJs usually rock my world with new, and old, music. you can listen live online, lots of folks I know that don't live here do. if i ever move, i will.

At September 11, 2008 at 8:15 AM , Blogger Joel said...

The problem with asking for music suggestions is that most people listen to garbage. Then they suggest "band x" and you give it a listen. It turns out to be awful, but then the suggestor comes around and asks you what you thought. You don't want to hurt their feelings, so you give a non-committal response like, "it's alright," which is misinterpreted as, "it's totally awesome." The next thing you know you're paying $40 for tickets to a concert for a band you hate because you don't want to hurt someone's feelings. This explains virtually every Jimmy Buffet fan.


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